Micah: The Courtroom

In our text today Micah returns to the theme of judgment. We see a picture of a court room, where God is the judge, and He brings His case against His people. God allows His people to make a defense for their actions, but the problem is that they are guilty, and they have no defense for their actions. Which means their only hope is for God to show them mercy and acting on their behalf. 

Neil Grobler
Micah: The Rising & Restoring King

Micah continues to develop this important theme of a coming King to reign, rescue and restore His people. When the King comes again, He will remove all false security, false teaching, false worship and destroy our enemies once and for all. 

Neil Grobler
Micah: The Coming King

The Lord had every right to abandon His people and forsake the covenant, because they had forsaken the covenant. As we begin to read chapter 4, the Lord through the prophet Micah gives His people an amazing word of hope. That He will not forsake them, but He gives them four promises designed to give them hope as they find themselves living in a world full of chaos. 

Neil Grobler
Micah: Rebellion

Rebellion against God corrupts all people. In Micah we see how the people of God have rebelled against God’s covenant, commands and rejected God’s Word. The result was disastrous, yet the Lord in His long suffering and faithful love sends a prophet empowered by Spirit to proclaim their rebellion and stands firm on God’s Word. The prophet Micah was a shadow of Jesus who is the anointed One of God, filled with the Spirit to proclaim good news and set the captives free. 

Neil Grobler