Why Membership Matters?

Does it really matter if I’m a member or not? Why do I have to take a class to even become a member? Why do I have to sign anything? People often ask these questions about our membership process, skeptical as to why there seem to be so many “hoops” to jump through.

It’s true. We take membership seriously because we believe committing yourself to a body of believers is a big responsibility. But it’s also wonderful. When Covenant Members join, they commit to a spiritual family that provides encouragement and support. They are called to a biblical degree of responsibility, service and sacrifice to their brothers and sisters. Our elders and leaders also pledge to assist our covenant members with care, counsel, prayer and teaching.

What are the Benefits of Membership?

As Christians, we are members of the body of Christ. A healthy body requires that each member does its part well. A healthy church requires the same: members who are sacrificially committed and well-equipped to do the works of service that God has prepared in advance for us to do. We are also being grafted into God’s household and are called to function as a holy priesthood. Forest Park Church holds its members in high regard; we expect them to be a generous servant living an intentional life. God, in His sovereignty, placed us in this community, among these people, at this time for a reason.

How to Become a Member?

Membership class is offered on a quarterly or as needed basis, and is held right after worship service with lunch provided. During this time you will be exposed to our vision, mission, values and strategy. After the class you will be presented with a membership application form and a covenant to sign. We will explain the covenant and answer any questions you might have.

Upcoming Schedule: