Advent: The Humanity of Christ (Part 2)

The fact that Jesus had a human body just like our human bodies is seen in many passages of Scripture. Why did Jesus have to be fully human if he was going to be the Messiah and accomplish our salvation? 

Neil Grobler
Advent: The Humanity of Christ (Part 1)

When we speak of the humanity of Christ, we must begin with the miraculous birth of Christ, known as the virgin birth. Why is the virgin birth important and what does it mean for us today? 

Neil Grobler
Advent: The Deity of Christ (Part 2)

Paul, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit writes a stunning and beautiful passage about Jesus in Colossians 1:15-20.  When Paul is thinking about Christ and His work, he uses the repeated phrases of “all things” and “everything”. In these repeated phrases he is reminding his readers of the definite, certain, complete and finish work of the Jesus, who is fully and completely God.

Neil Grobler
Advent: The Deity of Christ

A complete Biblical picture of Jesus is that Jesus Christ was fully God and fully man in one person and will be so forever. As we take a closer look at the deity of Christ, starting with the claims of Jesus, we will see that Jesus clearly claims to be God. Why is it necessary for Jesus to be fully God? 

Neil Grobler
Advent: The Person of Christ

The most important question that Jesus asked his disciples is, “who do you say that I am?” This question demands a response, with implications of either accepting or rejecting, submitting or rebelling against Jesus. As Peter confesses Jesus as the long awaited anointed one and King, who has come to deliver God’s people and to rule over them. Jesus reveals a profound truth to how Peter came to that confession. 

Neil Grobler
Advent: The Incarnation of Christ

Throughout Scripture we see a theme of God dwelling with His people. We see it in the beginning with Adam and Eve, and we see it with the prophecies, tabernacle, and temple when God is veiled behind the most holy of holy places. But in today’s sermon, we'll look at how one moment changed everything as Jesus, the only begotten Son of God, willingly became enfleshed in the incarnation. And through this great miracle, we’ll learn how Jesus unveiled God and made Him known to us, as He demonstrated how our God is personal in dwelling with us and is the initiator of salvation. Finally, we’ll learn how this proves Jesus is our great savior! 

Neil Grobler