Our Gathering Plan:
Forest Park has resumed worship services indoors with two service times. Life groups and the gospel project are meeting both physically and virtually, and eXemplify student ministries are only meeting physically. Both the gospel project and eXemplify are meeting on Wednesday evenings @ 7PM.
Here are some of the protocols that are in place to create a conducive and responsible environment for worship:
We will have two services at 9AM & 10:30AM
Maximum occupancy per service will be 100 people
Services will be one hour
Members need to leave the church immediately after the first service so it can be cleaned and disinfected for the next service
The sanctuary & bathrooms will be sanitized in between services
There will be no Ignite classes or Nursery during these services
There will be no serving coffee to minimize touch points
Certain areas of the church will be closed (Ignite, nursery, kitchen and café)
We will try our best to keep families at a safe distance apart, using the six-feet principle
Please abstain from physical forms of greeting like hugging or handshakes
Face masks will be required.
We will be recording the message weekly in the form of a video on our You Tube Channel and an audio message that will be posted to our website, app and Facebook page.