Genesis: Sojourners

A constant theme of Genesis 20-21 is the Lord’s provision, protection and presence in accordance with His divine promises. That did not mean Abraham was passive, but rather Abraham had to learn to trust in the Lord’s provision, protection and presence.  As a sojourner the Lord was teaching Abraham to rely on and trust Him. Just like Abraham, we too are sojourners, learning to trust in the Lord’s provision, protection and presence. How do we live as sojourners today? 

Neil Grobler
Genesis: Promise-Keeper

God’s covenant promise comes true as Abraham and his wife Sarah joyously conceive their only child Isaac. Their joy quickly turns to distress though, as Abraham’s young teenage son Ishmael from his servant Hagar, who was conceived in trying to circumvent God’s covenant, begins harshly ridiculing Isaac. As a result, Abraham is forced to send away Hagar and Ishmael into the wilderness trusting God’s promises to care for them, to which God miraculously does as He shows how He is the ultimate promise-keeper!

Neil Grobler
Genesis: The Promise Preserved

Again, Abraham fails to trust the Lord for protection and resorts instead to deception.  Despite Abraham’s failure, God preserves the covenant line of promise, just as He had in Egypt. The preservation of Sarah and the blessings from the Gerarites illustrate again the surprising grace of God, who ensures that the promise will come to pass. 

Neil Grobler
Genesis: Lot and His Daughters

After the Lord rescued Lot, we to come to the end of Lot’s life in a dark cave hiding in fear with his two daughters.  With good intentions they want to preserve their father’s line, but with deplorable means of incest. How do we make sense of the story, and why does Peter refer to Lot as righteous? We will discover that the Lord can redeem from the darkest cave. 

Neil Grobler
Genesis: The Lord Rescues Lot

After the Lord revealed His plan to Abraham, we see the unfolding of the Lord’s plan in rightfully judging the evil cities, and in His mercy rescuing Lot from the coming destruction of the evil cities. As we look at the story, there are two questions we need to answer from our text: Why does God destroy the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah? Why does God rescue Lot? 

Neil Grobler
Genesis: Abraham Interecedes for the Wicked Cities

After Abraham hosted the Lord, the Lord revealed His plan of dealing with the wickedness of Sodom and Gomorrah. Abraham would serve as an intercessor appealing to the Lord’s justice and mercy, where he would learn from first-hand experience the Lord’s justice and mercy. 

Neil Grobler
Genesis: Abraham's Visitors

While Abraham and Sarah are struggling to trust the Lord and His promise of a son. The Lord appears to them in visible form, giving them assurance for keeping His promise. In Sarah’s pain and disappointment behind closed doors, the Lord saw her, heard her, and knew exactly what was going on in her heart and in His grace told her that nothing was impossible for Him. 

Neil Grobler
Genesis: The Covenant (Part 2)

The Lord established His covenant with Abraham and provided both a sign of the covenant and an obligation to the covenant for Abraham and his descendants. In our text we will discover that the true people of God are not from natural birth, but from a miraculous birth that comes from the promise of God and the supernatural work of the Holy Spirit. 

Neil Grobler
Genesis: The Covenant (Part 1)

Thirteen years have passed since the birth of Ishmael and the Lord appeared to Abram again. In the Lord’s appearance, He identifies Himself as God Almighty, gives Abram a command to follow and reconfirms His covenant with a sign and a seal. We learn five truths about the Lord’s covenant with Abram and see how it finds its ultimate fulfillment in Christ.  

Neil Grobler
Genesis: The Birth of Ishmael

As we continue to follow the life of Abram, you will notice the “ups and downs” of Abram’s faith. In our text today, Abram’s faith is at an incredible low, where both Abram and Sarai doubted the word of the Lord. Sarai complains, Abram complies, and Hagar ended up a casualty. Yet the Lord in His grace intervened and revealed Himself to Hagar giving her an instruction and a promise. 

Neil Grobler
Genesis: The Lord’s Covenant Agreement

In our text today, the Lord revealed Himself to Abram in a vision, where the Lord identifies Himself in terms of His relationship with Abram. Reaffirms His promises to Abram and seals His promises with a covenant. Abram responds to these promises, by believing in the Lord to fulfill these promises. As a result, the Lord credited it to Him as righteousness. 

Neil Grobler
Genesis: The Foolishness of Lot and Faithfulness of Abram

In the separation of Lot and Abram we are going to see the foolishness of Lot looking around and seeing the lushness of the land on the other side, not knowing that evil was lurking nearby. In contrast we are going to see the faithfulness of Abram looking up, trusting the Lord, and waiting for the Lord to fulfill His promises to him. 

Neil Grobler
Genesis: The Blessing Begins

At times Abram displays great faith as He is trusting the Lord to fulfill His promises, but then in our story today Abram displays a lack of trust in the Lord’s protection and provision. Yet, despite Abram’s lack of faith, the Lord remained faithful in keeping his promises. For the Lord’s faithfulness in keeping His promises to Abram did not depend on how Abram behaved, but on the fact that the Lord called Him and made those promises to Him. 

Neil Grobler
Genesis: Abram's Calling

In Genesis 3-11, all we have read is God’s curses upon humanity, but now starting in Genesis 12 we read about God’s blessing. We learn that the Lord is the source of this blessing, Abram is both the recipient of, and the conduit of this blessing and the nations are the beneficiaries of this blessing.

Neil Grobler
Genesis: The Scattering of The Nations

In chapter 11, we discover both the source and the reason for the forming of the nations. One of the things we are going to discover in our passage is how it mirrors the first human family in the Garden of Eden. Yet despite man’s wickedness, the Lord graciously intervenes to restrain their wickedness, and continues His rescue mission through the promised seed. 

Neil Grobler
Genesis: The Forming of Nations

Chapter 10 presents a panoramic view of an expanding human population in terms of clans, languages, lands, and nations. Rather than skipping over it, we need to pause and see the forming of nations, and what it reveals to us about God. 

Neil Grobler
Genesis: God's Covenant of Preservation

The Bible is the story of how God rescues His people from sin and death. In Genesis 9, God continues to unfold his redemptive plan through Noah and his sons for the hope of a savior to be realized in the eventual coming of Jesus Christ.  

Neil Grobler
Genesis: Noah And The Flood (Part 3)

Throughout the narrative of the flood, we continue to see the Lord’s mercy and provision. In our text we see how Noah responds to the Lord’s mercy and provision, and the Lord making a promise to Noah and his descendants. 

Neil Grobler
Genesis: Noah And The Flood (Part 2)

As we read the narrative of the great flood, we are reminded of the Lord’s judgment. The reason why the Lord is executing His judgment is because the Lord has declared based on substantial evidence that the earth is corrupt, and every creature has corrupted its ways and that humans have filled the earth with violence. The Lord is not executing judgment on an innocent world, but on a guilty, corrupt, and violent world. In our text, we will discover five truths of the Lord’s judgment. 

Neil Grobler