At Forest Park we partner with other organizations globally and locally with one purpose: to bring glory to God and make disciples of Jesus Christ. We know our reach is limited, but with partnering up with other organizations our reach can extend beyond our church. We partner with the following Organizations:

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Act 29 is a diverse global family of church planting churches. You can visit their website by clicking here


Heart Song brings counseling into the local church redeeming the modern belief that counseling is for the clinician down the street. With doctrinally sound biblical counseling inside the local church lasting change might be enjoyed by church members and pastors rejoicing, knowing that the people are being well cared for. Heart Song believes real lasting change comes through the work of Christ in our hearts causing a transformation and allowing us to see our situation through new eyes. You can visit their website by
clicking here

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The Catherine Foundation is located just minutes from our Church right in the heart of Waldorf. They are a pregnancy care center that offers a variety of free services to young mothers and families searching for options during and even after pregnancy. They are a Christian-based pro-life organization that specializes in helping and counseling young mothers who are considering abortion. We partner with the Catherine Foundation through service projects and volunteer opportunities. A few of our members volunteer at the Catherine Foundation almost weekly. You can visit their website by clicking here.


World Help is a Christian humanitarian organization that exists to serve the physical and spiritual needs of people in impoverished communities around the world. Their strategy is based on the belief that true transformation is only possible when the needs of the body and soul are addressed simultaneously.You can visit their website by clicking here.